Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flopping On Abortion

My wife calls herself a Democrat but she fully supports Bella not aborting her vampire baby that threatens to kill her from the inside (see: Breaking Dawn, aka, mindless drivel part 4). Can you say "hypocrite"? All of a sudden my wife cares about the sanctity of life, albeit a vampire's, or whatever.

I was looking through files on our computer yesterday and look what I found in the folders she uses.

"Who would abort Robert Pattinson's baby, anyway?"
-My Wife


  1. this post would be made of pure win if it wasn't for the picture of robert pattinson. however, since the pic was used to make fun of him, i'm going to pretend like it wasn't there at all.

    also boo abortion 'n such.

  2. @Sadek - Thanks. Believe me, I'd rather not post any images of Robert Pattinson either and if my wife weren't such a hypocrite I wouldn't have to.
