Hey, everyone. The holidays sure were a lot of fun and I apologize for neglecting on reporting the many shocking, yet expected, actions of my wife (and her family) over the past few weeks. And let me tell you, my wife needs a good humbling after the stunts she pulled.
During her family's family reunion, what was supposed to a modest and formal display of talents, which included an award-winning performance of some classical piano piece by her 14 year-old cousin, Truman, and a separate award-winning piano piece by Truman's little sister (whatever her name is, I can't remember, there's too many of 'em!) and then a very impressive rendition of "Go Tell It On The Mountain" by their even littler brother, Ellen thought it'd be funny to play some show tunes and do some weird dancing that everyone just died laughing at. Here I thought Democrats were supposed to be the refined and sophisticated types but at the end of the day the whole family just kept yelling, "Hey Ellen, do that goofy shoulder dance! Hardy hardy har!!" like a bunch of yokels! I apologized later to Truman and his siblings because I thought their talents were far superior and dignified for a family event.
I don't know, I just don't get that family.
get blogging. Aunt Lawdy